Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What is Real?

A real picture of me!

I can't tell these days. Facebook and blogs are fun because you get to catch up with all kinds of people. People from different friendship "pools". Close friends, family members, distant friends, people you know from high school, college friends, ward friends, parents of your kids' friends, your parents' friends, people you may not even know, etc. You get the point. So what do I usually post? Usually pretty neutral status updates, good pictures, generic comments. I wouldn't want to reveal too much, right? We all get to choose how we present ourselves to the FB and blog world. I admit I often take pictures just so I can post them on Facebook or on my nearly non-existent blog.

The other day I was wondering what would happen if I was totally honest with my status or comments to other people's statuses (is that a word?) You know what I mean. What if you were totally honest? What if you typed what you were actually thinking all of the time? Of course society would fall apart. People at work think I am upbeat all of the time. If they only knew. Actually I am pretty upbeat most of the time but I have my moments. I had some yesterday.

I felt sad and left out from a 3rd grade boys basketball situation. Sounds silly but I was feeling sorry for myself (and Quinton even though he is clueless about the whole situation). Then I started thinking about feeling like this before. I must insert here that I know I have nothing to complain about. We are very fortunate and blessed. Our kids have relatively few problems (besides Penn's throwing and throwing up issues!) But back to the feeling sorry for myself... I started thinking about how we have only been "BOO'd" once since we moved in. My kids see the signs on the doors in the neighborhood stating that that house has been officially "BOO'd" and remember when we were "BOO'd" and never say what I am thinking, "why doesn't anyone BOO us?". Then I think about how I never went to any high school or college formals. No one ever asked. At the time it was mostly no big deal but a little bit of a bummer. Then there was the Libery Belle try-out disasters. I was also rarely asked out on dates. No big deal now, right? Thank goodness I had a thick skin and some confidence. Then I think about how I don't have many close friends outside of work, family, and friends from college and growing up. I must not be very good at making new friends. I know I am not. It is my own fault. I put up a wall. I don't chat much with the other moms at the bus stop. I don't go on walks with them. We don't hang out with many other couples other than Brady's friends from growing up. Don't worry, today was a new day and to be honest it is hard to conjure those feelings to even write this. I am over it.

So there is my honesty rant. I wish sometimes other people were more honest. I wish I was more honest too (to a point). It is hard to write from the heart when you are worried about who is reading what and who may be offended or think less of you. I need to realize that people aren't perfect and what they (and I) project to the world is not always 100% to be believed.

Don't get me started on reality TV either. I am totally into Super Nanny and Clean House and you know my opinions of Jon & Kate and the Duggars. But can we trust what we see?

Man, what is my problem? I promise next time I will post about all the fun the kids and I have and how organized and creative I am! Well not totally but I promise no more boo hoo....

Disclaimer: Most of you reading this are pretty honest so don't take offense. I mean Lysa posted pictures of her house in a state of disarray (subjective). I am not that brave! Way to go Lysa! You have always told it like it is (unlike me).


  1. Totally cool blog Beth, you rock (for real)!

  2. Here I was bummed that I wasnt the first commenter, but in a way I am the first commenter that is not the author of this blog! I actually really appreciate your blog post today, I am sorry to hear you had a bad day yesterday, and I really do wish that we lived closer so we could hang out more. Great, Lysa's blog got me on the posting experiment and now yours is beckoning a more honest and candid approach...

  3. Yay for honesty! If you can believe that I was watching/listening to The View the other day and Carrie Fisher was a guest. She said something that I totally believe but of course I didn't write it down. It had something to do with being honest about who you are and up front with everyone, then you won't be afraid of what other people will think if they find out your secrets. Something about owning up to your secrets before someone has a chance to expose them. Oh well, it made sense when she said it. I figure put it out there and let everyone figure out how they want to feel about it. Easier said than done.

  4. Remember "totally honest planet"? somedays i wish i lived there more, and of course, some days less.
    i echo many of your sentiments, add to it, i feel like we are doing stuff for people all the time and rarely see it come back to us. it is service, but there are times i wish we could be served. how honest and horrible is that for you?
    (enter jack saying in a crazy voice, "girl, you been SERVED!" as if he were from the ghetto and delivering a subpoena or something)
    thanks for visiting THP-and telling!

  5. Thanks for the affirmations guys! I totally forgot about Totally Honest Planet. Man, my memory is fading. I heard something on the radio (NPR of course) today about the permenancy of posting things to the internet and now think I should not be "all honesty all the time"!

    Jaime, I love your Jack impersonation! I can totally picture it and it has made me smile all day.

  6. I could totally hear Jack in my head too! It is making me laugh!
