Friday, December 26, 2008

A Christmas Miracle

I know it sounds really dramatic but I think I got the best Christmas gift ever-a whole night of sleep.  I have been blessed (but cursed) with children who are not great sleepers.  My parents say it is justice and my husband is wondering why he is being punished for my sins.  I was a terrible sleeper as a baby and child.  I still have bouts of sleeplessness but cherish any sleep I can get.   Penn-our 3rd (and probably last) child started out sleeping pretty good.  Translation-he slept in his bed and could go to sleep on his own.  He maybe slept all night long once or twice in his year existence.  He usually would wake up once or twice a night at which point I would nurse him and put him back to bed.  I knew that he didn't really need to eat but it was the easiest and quickest way for all of us to get back to bed.  Well, after being gone on a work trip for three nights I came back to a monster.  I think me being gone just pushed him over the edge.  He started waking up every hour or so for the whole night.  (Wow, this is turning into a long story.  Plus Lysa already knows the story and she is the only one who reads this, oh well!)  Anyway, my sister Lysa gave me a book which gave a formula (morning nap at 9:00, afternoon nap at 1:00, bedtime by 8:00 and wake up by about 7:00) for getting your child to sleep and stay asleep at night.  It literally took about two nights and he is cured!  Thank you Lysa, you saved my life.  


  1. I'm so glad it worked! My faith in that book is renewed.

  2. hi beth I just wanted you to know that Lysa is not the only person who has seen your blog!

  3. Hi Beth! I too read your blog....

