But alas, they are only fleeting thoughts....
Then there are more serious topics. Darfur. I watched a show on this the other night (until 2AM) and it is still so amazing that more was not done to stop the pure evil that happened and is happening there. How can human beings be so evil? What about the mom of that 5-year old girl who was killed in North Carolina who alledgedly sold her into prostitution? I cannot fathom any of that. What would I do if my face was literally ripped off by a chimpanzee? Would I have the strength to go on?
I guess the moral of this blog is that my most of my thoughts are very shallow when compared to the anguish that some people go through on a daily basis. I didn't start this to be "Debbie Downer" but maybe it helped to put things
in perspective!
Here is something to lighten the mood (don't worry I won't ever post poop or vomit pictures, or pictures of me in my garment bottoms!!). Also, you have probably seen (and maybe are sick of) this video but it cracks me up every time.